Falaknuma to Lingampalli is a distance of 37 k.m. covered by 30 minutes.
NTS = No Train on Sundays
No stopping at Fatehnagar Bridge (FNB) & Sanath Nagar (SNF).
LS is Ladies Special
Falaknuma (FM) a.m. : 5.00, 5.40, 6.10 (BG) (NTS), 6.25, 7.10, 7.25 (L.S.), 7.55, 8.30 (LS), 8.45 (HYB), 9.10, 10.00, 10.35, 10.55 (NTS), 11.10 (NTS), 11.35. p.m. : 12.05 (NTS), 12.45, 1.25 (NTS), 1.40 (HYB), 2.10 (BG) (NTS), 2.15 (HYB), 2.30, 2.50 (NTS), 4.00 (HYB), 4.25, 5.00, 5.40, 5.55, 6.50, 7.00, 7.35, 8.10 (HYB), 8.45, 9.05, 9.30, 10.30 (SC), 10.45 (SC). |
Uppuguda (HPG) a.m. : 5.02, 5.42, 6.13 (BG) (NTS), 6.27, 7.12, 7.27 (L.S.), 7.57, 8.32 (LS), 8.47 (HYB), 9.12, 10.02, 10.37, 10.57 (NTS), 11.12 (NTS), 11.37. p.m. : 12.07 (NTS), 12.47, 1.27 (NTS), 1.42 (HYB), 2.13 (BG) (NTS), 2.17 (HYB), 2.32, 2.52 (NTS), 4.02 (HYB), 4.27, 5.02, 5.42, 5.57, 6.52, 7.02, 7.37, 8.12 (HYB), 8.47, 9.07, 9.32, 10.32 (SC), 10.47 (SC). |
Yakutpura (YKA) a.m. : 5.06, 5.46, 6.17 (BG) (NTS), 6.31, 7.14, 7.31 (L.S.), 8.01, 8.36 (LS), 8.49 (HYB), 9.16, 10.06, 10.41, 11.01 (NTS), 11.16 (NTS), 11.41. p.m. : 12.11 (NTS), 12.49, 1.31 (NTS), 1.44 (HYB), 2.17 (BG) (NTS), 2.19 (HYB), 2.35, 2.56 (NTS), 4.04 (HYB), 4.31, 5.04, 5.44, 5.59, 6.54, 7.04, 7.39, 8.14 (HYB), 8.49, 9.11, 9.34, 10.34 (SC), 10.49 (SC). |
Dabirpura (DQR) a.m. : 5.08, 5.48, 6.19 (BG) (NTS), 6.33, 7.16, 7.33 (L.S.), 8.03, 8.38 (LS), 8.51 (HYB), 9.18, 10.08, 10.45, 11.03 (NTS), 11.18 (NTS), 11.45. p.m. : 12.15 (NTS), 12.51, 1.33 (NTS), 1.46 (HYB), 2.19 (BG) (NTS), 2.21 (HYB), 2.37, 2.58 (NTS), 4.06 (HYB), 4.33, 5.06, 5.46, 6.01, 6.56, 7.06, 7.41, 8.16 (HYB), 8.51, 9.13, 9.36, 10.36 (SC), 10.51 (SC). |
Malakpet (MXT) a.m. : 5.10, 5.50, 6.21 (BG) (NTS), 6.35, 7.18, 7.35 (L.S.), 8.05, 8.40 (LS), 8.53 (HYB), 9.20, 10.10, 10.47, 11.05 (NTS), 11.20 (NTS), 11.47. p.m. : 12.17 (NTS), 12.53, 1.35 (NTS), 1.48 (HYB), 2.21 (BG) (NTS), 2.23 (HYB), 2.39, 3.00 (NTS), 4.08 (HYB), 4.35, 5.08, 5.48, 6.03, 6.58, 7.08, 7.43, 8.18 (HYB), 8.53, 9.15, 9.38, 10.38 (SC), 10.53 (SC). |
Hyderabad Kacheguda (KCG) a.m. : 5.14, 5.54, 6.26 (BG) (NTS), 6.39, 7.22, 7.39 (L.S.), 8.09, 8.43 (LS), 8.57 (HYB), 9.24, 10.14, 10.51, 11.09 (NTS), 11.24 (NTS), 11.51. p.m. : 12.21 (NTS), 12.57, 1.39 (NTS), 1.52 (HYB), 2.26 (BG) (NTS), 2.27 (HYB), 2.43, 3.04 (NTS), 4.12 (HYB), 4.39, 5.12, 5.52, 6.07, 7.02, 7.12, 7.47, 8.22 (HYB), 8.57, 9.19, 9.42, 10.45 (SC), 10.57 (SC). |
Vidya Nagar (VAR) a.m. : 5.18, 5.58, 6.31 (BG) (NTS), 6.43, 7.26, 7.43 (L.S.), 8.13, 8.47 (LS), 9.02 (HYB), 9.28, 10.18, 10.55, 11.13 (NTS), 11.28 (NTS), 11.55. p.m. : 12.25 (NTS), 1.00, 1.43 (NTS), 1.57 (HYB), 2.31 (BG) (NTS), 2.32 (HYB), 2.47, 3.08 (NTS), 4.17 (HYB), 4.43, 5.19, 5.56, 6.12, 7.07, 7.17, 7.52, 8.27 (HYB), 9.02, 9.23, 9.47, 10.47 (SC), 11.02 (SC). |
Jamai Osmania (JOO) a.m. : 5.20, 6.00, 6.33 (BG) (NTS), 6.45, 7.28, 7.45 (L.S.), 8.15, 8.49 (LS), 9.04 (HYB), 9.30, 10.20, 10.57, 11.15 (NTS), 11.30 (NTS), 11.57. p.m. : 12.27 (NTS), 1.02, 1.45 (NTS), 1.59 (HYB), 2.33 (BG) (NTS), 2.34 (HYB), 2.49, 3.10 (NTS), 4.19 (HYB), 4.45, 5.21, 6.00, 6.14, 7.09, 7.19, 7.54, 8.29 (HYB), 9.04, 9.25, 9.49, 10.49 (SC), 11.04 (SC). |
Arts College (ATC) a.m. : 5.22, 6.02, 6.35 (BG) (NTS), 6.47, 7.30, 7.47 (L.S.), 8.17, 8.51 (LS), 9.06 (HYB), 9.32, 10.22, 10.59, 11.17 (NTS), 11.32 (NTS), 11.59. p.m. : 12.29 (NTS), 1.04, 1.47 (NTS), 2.01 (HYB), 2.35 (BG) (NTS), 2.36 (HYB), 2.51, 3.12 (NTS), 4.21 (HYB), 4.47, 5.23, 6.02, 6.16, 7.11, 7.21, 7.56, 8.31 (HYB), 9.06, 9.27, 9.51, 10.51 (SC), 11.06 (SC). |
Sitafal Mandi (STPD) a.m. : 5.24, 6.04, 6.38 (BG) (NTS), 6.49, 7.32, 7.49 (L.S.), 8.19, 8.53 (LS), 9.08 (HYB), 9.34, 10.24, 11.01, 11.19 (NTS), 11.34 (NTS). p.m. : 12.01, 12.31 (NTS), 1.06, 1.49 (NTS), 2.03 (HYB), 2.37 (BG) (NTS), 2.38 (HYB), 2.53, 3.14 (NTS), 4.23 (HYB), 4.52, 5.25, 6.04, 6.18, 7.13, 7.23, 7.58, 8.33 (HYB), 9.08, 9.29, 9.53, 10.53 (SC), 11.08 (SC). |
Secunderabad Junction (SC) a.m. : 5.10 (HYB), 5.30, 6.10, 6.55, 7.38, 8.00 (L.S.), 8.25, 9.00 (LS), 9.15 (HYB), 9.40, 10.33, 11.05, 11.30 (NTS), 11.40 (NTS). p.m. : 12.05, 12.35 (NTS), 1.15, 1.55 (NTS), 2.15 (HYB), 2.50 (HYB), 3.00, 3.20 (NTS), 4.35 (HYB), 5.00, 5.30, 6.10, 6.25, 7.20, 7.35, 8.05, 8.40 (HYB), 9.15, 9.35, 10.00, 11.00 (SC), 11.15 (SC). |
James Street (JET) a.m. : 5.15 (HYB), 5.37, 6.17, 7.02, 7.45, 8.07 (L.S.), 8.32, 9.07 (LS), 9.25 (HYB), 9.47, 10.35, 11.14, 11.40 (NTS), 11.47 (NTS). p.m. : 12.12, 12.42 (NTS), 1.22, 2.02 (NTS), 2.22 (HYB), 3.05 (HYB), 3.07, 3.27 (NTS), 4.42 (HYB), 5.07, 5.40, 6.13, 6.32, 7.29, 7.42, 8.15, 8.47 (HYB), 9.25, 9.42, 10.07. |
Sanjivaiah Park (SJVP) a.m. : 5.21 (HYB), 5.39, 6.19, 7.04, 7.47, 8.09 (L.S.), 8.34, 9.09 (LS), 9.27 (HYB), 9.49, 10.37, 11.16, 11.42 (NTS), 11.49 (NTS). p.m. : 12.14, 12.44 (NTS), 1.24, 2.04 (NTS), 2.24 (HYB), 3.07 (HYB), 3.09, 3.29 (NTS), 4.44 (HYB), 5.09, 5.42, 6.15, 6.34, 7.31, 7.44, 8.17, 8.49 (HYB), 9.27, 9.44, 10.09. |
Begumpet Junction (BMT) a.m. : 5.42, 6.22, 7.07, 7.50, 8.12 (L.S.), 8.37, 9.12 (LS), 9.52, 10.40, 11.19, 11.45 (NTS), 11.52 (NTS). p.m. : 12.17, 12.47 (NTS), 1.27, 2.07 (NTS), 3.12, 3.32 (NTS), 5.12, 5.44, 6.18, 6.37, 7.34, 7.47, 8.20, 9.30, 9.47, 10.12. |
Nature Cure Hospital (NCHS) a.m. : 5.44, 6.24, 7.09, 7.52, 8.14 (L.S.), 8.39, 9.14 (LS), 9.54, 10.42, 11.21, 11.47 (NTS) 11.54 (NTS). p.m. : 12.19, 12.49 (NTS), 1.29, 2.09 (NTS), 3.14, 3.34 (NTS), 5.14, 5.47, 6.20, 6.39, 7.36, 7.49, 8.22, 9.32, 9.49, 10.14. |
Fatehnagar Bridge (FNB) a.m. : . p.m. : . |
Sanathnagar (SNF) a.m. : . p.m. : . |
Bharat Nagar (BTNR) a.m. : 5.49, 6.29, 7.14, 7.56, 8.19 (L.S.), 8.44, 9.19 (LS), 9.59, 10.47, 11.26, 11.52 (NTS), 11.59 (NTS). p.m. : 12.24, 12.54 (NTS), 1.34, 2.14 (NTS), 3.19, 3.39 (NTS), 5.18, 5.52, 6.25, 6.44, 7.41, 7.54, 8.27, 9.37, 9.54, 10.19. |
Borabanda (BRBD) a.m. : 5.51, 6.31, 7.16, 7.58, 8.21 (L.S.), 8.46, 9.21 (LS), 10.01, 10.49, 11.28, 11.54 (NTS). p.m. : 12.26, 12.56 (NTS), 1.36, 2.16 (NTS), 3.21, 3.41 (NTS), 5.20, 5.54, 6.27, 6.46, 7.43, 7.56, 8.29, 9.39, 9.56, 10.21. |
Hitech City (HTCY) a.m. : 5.55, 6.35, 7.20, 8.00, 8.25 (L.S.), 8.50, 9.25 (LS), 10.03, 10.51, 11.32, 11.56 (NTS). p.m. : 12.03 (NTS), 12.28, 12.58 (NTS), 1.40, 2.20 (NTS), 3.25, 3.45 (NTS), 5.22, 5.58, 6.31, 6.50, 7.47, 8.00, 8.33, 9.43, 9.58, 10.25. |
Hafizpet (HFZ) a.m. : 5.59, 6.39, 7.24, 8.04, 8.31 (L.S.), 8.54, 9.31 (LS), 10.07, 10.55, 11.36, 11.58 (NTS). p.m. : 12.07 (NTS), 12.32, 1.02 (NTS), 1.44, 2.24 (NTS), 3.29, 3.49 (NTS), 5.24, 6.02, 6.35, 6.54, 7.51, 8.04, 8.37, 9.47, 10.02, 10.29. |
Chandanagar (CDNR) a.m. : 6.04, 6.44, 7.29, 8.09, 8.36 (L.S.), 8.59, 9.36 (LS), 10.12, 10.59, 11.41. p.m. : 12.00 (NTS), 12.12 (NTS), 12.34, 1.04 (NTS), 1.49, 2.29 (NTS), 3.34, 3.54 (NTS), 5.29, 6.07, 6.40, 6.59, 7.56, 8.09, 8.42, 9.52, 10.07, 10.34. |
Lingampalli (LPI) a.m. : 6.10, 6.55, 7.40, 8.20, 8.50 (L.S.), 9.15, 9.50 (LS), 10.25, 11.15, 11.50. p.m. : 12.15 (NTS), 12.30 (NTS), 12.50, 1.15 (NTS), 2.05, 2.40 (NTS), 3.55, 4.05 (NTS), 5.50, 6.15, 7.05, 7.10, 8.05, 8.25, 8.55, 10.00, 10.20, 10.45. |
Notes :
Train Number 67275 MEMU will start from Falaknuma at 6.10 a.m. will travel via Falaknuma to Lingampalli route upto Sitafal Mandi then proceed via Lalaguda Gate to Bhongir as follows (NTS = No Train on Sunday):
Train Number 67277 MEMU will start from Falaknuma at 2.10 p.m. will travel via Falaknuma to Lingampalli route upto Sitafal Mandi then proceed via Lalaguda Gate to Bhongir as follows (NTS = No Train on Sunday):
Lalaguda Gate (LGDH) a.m. : 6.40 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 2.43 (BG) (NTS). |
Malkajgiri (MJF) a.m. : 6.41 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 2.45 (BG) (NTS). |
Charlapalli (CHZ) a.m. : 7.04 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 3.09 (BG) (NTS). |
Ghatkesar (GT) a.m. : 7.19 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 3.19 (BG) (NTS). |
Bibinagar (BN) a.m. : 7.29 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 3.29 (BG) (NTS). |
Pagidipalli (PGDP) a.m. : 7.37 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 3.37 (BG) (NTS). |
Bhongir (BG) a.m. : 8.00 (BG) (NTS). p.m. : 4.00 (BG) (NTS). |
Notes :
47149 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 5.00 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47150 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 5.40 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47151 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 6.25 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47153 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 7.10 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47152 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 7.25 a.m. is a Ladies Special halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47154 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 7.55 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47155 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 9.10a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47156 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 10.35a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47157 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 10.55 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 5 minutes. No Train on Sundays.
47198 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 11.10 a.m halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes. No Train on Sundays.
47158 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 12.05 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes. No Train on Sundays.
47160 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 1.25 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes. No Train on Sundays.
47161 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 2.50 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes. No Train on Sundays.
47162 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 4.25 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 2 minutes.
47163 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 5.00 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 5 minutes
47164 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 5.40 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes
47165 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 10.00 a.m. halts every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes
47166 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 6.50 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 4 minutes
47167 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 7.35 p.m. halts every station for a minute except Malakpet by 2 minutes, Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 5 minutes
47168 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 10.45 p.m. will run upto Secunderabad Junction only and halts every station only for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes.
47169 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 12.45 p.m. halts at every station only for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes.
47170 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 9.30 p.m. halts at every station only for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes, Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes.
47196 – The train which starts from Secunderabad Junction at 5.10 a.m halts every station for a minute and runs upto Hyderabad Deccan Nampally
47197 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 8.45 a.m halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction where it halts for 5 minutes.
47199 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 1.40 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes.
47200 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 2.15 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes Secunderabad Junction by 10 minutes.
47201 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 4.00 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes, Arts College by 2 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes.
47202 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 8.10 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes.
47203 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 8.45 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 5 minutes.
47204 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 10.30 p.m halts at every station for a minute runs upto Secunderabad Junction only.
47207 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 7.00 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes.
47211 – The train which starts from Falaknuma 8.30 a.m. halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Lingampalli
47214 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 11.35 a.m. halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Ligampalli.
47216 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 2.30 p.m. halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Lingampalli.
47218 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 5.55 p.m. halts at every station for a minute except Hyderabad Kacheguda by 4 minutes and Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Lingampalli.
47220 – The train which starts from Falaknuma at 9.05 p.m. halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Lingampalli.
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