Hyderabad to Lingampalli is a distance of 24 k.m. covered by 40 minutes.
NTS = No Train on Sundays, FM = Runs upto Falaknuma.
No stopping at Sanath Nagar (SNF).
Hyderabad Deccan Nampally (HYB) : a.m. : 5.10, 5.40 (FM), 6,00, 6.40, 7.20, 7.50, 8.20, 9.00, 9.35, 9.50 (FM), 10.10, 10.50 (NTS), 11.25 (NTS), 11.55 (NTS) p.m. : 12.30 (FM), 1.05, 2.30 (NTS), 3.10, 3.40, 4.00, 4.50, 5.35, 6.05, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.50, 9.20, 9.50 |
Lakdiapul (LKPL) : a.m. : 5.12, 5.43 (FM), 6.02, 6.42, 7.22, 7.52, 8.22, 9.02, 9.37, 9.53 (FM), 10.12, 10.52 (NTS), 11.27 (NTS), 11.57 (NTS) p.m. : 12.33 (FM), 1.07, 2.32 (NTS), 3.12, 3.42, 4.02, 4.52, 5.37, 6.07, 7.02, 7.32, 8.02, 8.52, 9.22, 9.52 |
Kharaitabad (KQD) a.m. : 5.14, 5.45 (FM), 6.04, 6.45, 7.25, 7.55, 8.25, 9.05, 9.40, 9.55 (FM), 10.14, 10.54 (NTS), 11.29 (NTS) p.m. : 12.00 (NTS), 12.35 (FM), 1.10, 2.35 (NTS), 3.15, 3.44, 4.05, 4.54, 5.39, 6.09, 7.04, 7.34, 8.04, 8.54, 9.24, 9.54 |
Necklace Road (NLRD) a.m. : 5.16, 5.47 (FM), 6.06, 6.46, 7.26, 7.56, 8.26, 9.06, 9.41, 9.57 (FM), 10.16, 10.56 (NTS), 11.31 (NTS) p.m. : 12.01 (NTS), 12.37 (FM), 1.11, 2.36 (NTS), 3.16, 3.46, 4.06, 4.56, 5.41, 6.11, 7.06, 7.36, 8.06, 8.56, 9.26, 9.56 |
Begumpet Junction (BMT) a.m. : 5.21, 6.11, 6.51, 7.31, 8.01, 8.31, 9.11, 9.46, 10.21, 11.01 (NTS), 11.36 (NTS) p.m. : 12.06 (NTS), 1.16, 2.41 (NTS), 3.21, 3.51, 4.11, 5.01. 5.46, 6.16, 7.11, 7.41, 8.11, 9.01, 9.31, 10.01 |
Nature Cure Hospital (NCHS) a.m. : 5.23, 6.13, 6.53, 7.33, 8.03, 8.33, 9.13, 9.48, 10.23, 11.03 (NTS), 11.38 (NTS) p.m. : 12.08 (NTS), 1.18, 2.43 (NTS), 3.23, 3.53, 4.13, 5.03, 5.48, 6.18, 7.13, 7.43, 8.13, 9.03, 9.33, 10.03 |
Fatehnagar Bridge (FNB) a.m. : 11.05 (NTS), 11.40 (NTS) p.m. : 5.05 |
Sanathnagar (SNF) a.m. : -- p.m. : -- |
Bharat Nagar (BTNR) a.m. : 5.27, 6.18, 6.58, 7.38, 8.08, 8.38, 9.18, 9.53, 10.28, 11.08 (NTS), 11.43 (NTS) p.m. : 12.13 (NTS), 1.23, 2.48 (NTS), 3.28, 3.58, 4.18, 5.08, 5.53, 6.23, 7.18, 7.48, 8.18, 9.08, 9.38, 10.08 |
Borabanda (BRBD) a.m. : 5.30, 6.20, 7.00, 7.40, 8.10, 8.40, 9.20, 9.55, 10.30, 11.10 (NTS), 11.45 (NTS) p.m. : 12.15 (NTS), 1.25, 2.50 (NTS), 3.30, 4.00, 4.20, 5.10, 5.55, 6.25, 7.20, 7.50, 8.20, 9.10, 9.40, 10.10 |
Hitech City (HTCY) a.m. : 5.34, 6.24, 7.04, 7.44, 8.14, 8.44, 9.24, 9.59, 10.34, 11.14 (NTS), 11.49 (NTS) p.m. : 12.19 (NTS), 1.29, 2.54 (NTS), 3.34, 4.04, 4.24, 5.14, 5.59, 6.29, 7.24, 7.54, 8.24, 9.14, 9.44, 10.14 |
Hafizpet (HFZ) a.m. : 5.38, 6.28, 7.08, 7.48, 8.18, 8.48, 9.28, 10.03, 10.38, 11.18 (NTS), 11.53 (NTS) p.m. : 12.23 (NTS), 1.33, 2.58 (NTS), 3.38, 4.08, 4.28, 5.18, 6.03, 6.33, 7.28, 7.58, 8.28, 9.18, 9.48, 10.18 |
Chandanagar (CDNR) a.m. : 5.43, 6.33, 7.13, 7.53, 8.23, 8.53, 9.33, 10.08, 10.43, 11.23 (NTS), 11.58 (NTS) p.m. : 12.28 (NTS), 1.38, 3.03 (NTS), 3.43, 4.13, 4.33, 5.23, 6.08, 6.38, 7.33, 8.03, 8.33, 9.23, 9.53, 10.23 |
Lingampalli (LPI) a.m. : 5.50, 6.40, 7.20, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9.40, 10.15, 10.50, 11.30 (NTS) p.m. : 12.05 (NTS), 12.40 (NTS), 1.45, 3.10 (NTS), 3.50, 4.20, 4.40, 5.40, 6.20, 6.45, 7.40, 8.15, 8.40, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30 |
Notes :
Train No. 47100 – Stops every station for a minute except the train at 5.27 a.m. at Bharat Nagar halts for 2 Minutes.
Train No. 47101 – Stops every station for a minute.
47102 – Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 6.40 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47103 – Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 7.20 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47104 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 7.50 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47105 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 8.20 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47106 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 9.00 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47107 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 9.35 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47108 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 10.10 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47109 - Halts every station for a minute. Halts at Fatehnagar Bridge station also. Does not run on Sundays.
47110 - Halts every station for a minute. Halts at Fatehnagar Bridge station also. Does not run on Sundays.
47111 - Halts every station for a minute. Does not run on Sundays. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 11.55 a.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47112 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 1.05 p.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47113 - Halts every station for a minute. Does not run on Sundays. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 2.30 p.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47114 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 3.10 p.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47115 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 3.40 p.m. halts at Khairatabad .
47116 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 4.00 p.m. does not halt at Khairatabad .
47117 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 4.50 p.m. also halts at Khairatabad and Fatehnagar Bridge.
47118 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 5.35 p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47119 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 6.05 p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47120 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 7.00 p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47121 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 7.30 p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47122 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 8.00p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47123 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 8.50p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47124 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 9.20p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47125 - Halts every station for a minute. The train which starts from Hyderabad at 9.50p.m. also halts at Khairatabad.
47206 – The train which starts from Hyderabad Deccan Nampally at 5.40 a.m halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 10 minutes and runs upto Falaknuma.
47208 – The train which starts from Hyderabad Deccan Nampally at 9.50 a.m halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Falaknuma.
47209 – The train which starts from Hyderabad Deccan Nampally at 12.30 p.m halts at every station for a minute except Secunderabad Junction by 2 minutes runs upto Falaknuma.
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